Taufik Basari & Associates is a highly-committed law firm which strives to provide professional legal services and is greatly dedicated to the supremacy of law.
Taufik Basari & Associates was established and is led by Taufik Basari, S.H., S.Hum., LL.M, an advocate with significant experience in handling public interest cases and a leading figure in the development and legal reform process in Indonesia.
At all times, Taufik Basari & Associates Law Office endeavors to provide the finest and most exceptional quality of legal service available. Trust, is the indispensable element in doing so. Further, we strongly uphold honesty, integrity, and capability, as the fundamental values of trust. We believe that client’s trust to our law firm is based on our integrity, and ultimately, our experience speaks for itself.
Taufik Basari & Associates merupakan firma hukum yang memiliki komitmen tinggi untuk menyediakan jasa hukum professional dan menjunjung tinggi supremasi hukum
Taufik Basari & Associates didirikan dan dipimpin oleh Taufik Basari, S.H., S.Hum, LL.M, seorang advokat yang berpengalaman menangani berbagai kasus publik dan terlibat dalam berbagai proses pembaruan hukum di Indonesia.
Dalam setiap kesempatan, Kantor Hukum Taufik Basari & Associates selalu berusaha memberikan kualitas terbaik dalam pelayanan hukumnya, Kepercayaan merupakan modal utama. Kejujuran,dan kapabilitas adalah nilai fundamental yang selalu kami pegang teguh. Kami meyakini bahwa kepercayan klien kepada firma hukum kami didasarkan atas integritas kami, dan pengalaman kami membuktikan hal tersebut.
Disclaimer :
The materials and information on this web site are made available by Taufik Basari & Associates Law Firm for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. None of the information in this website is intended to create a direct attorney-client relationship.